Saturday, November 1, 2008

Stealing JR mints out of the Halloween Pumpkin.

So for the past few days I have been throwing around the thought that I think every girl thinks about when she is 25 - getting married & having a family. Thoughts like "Am I ready for this? Will I be a good wife/mom", Am I capable of juggling work, church, family & being sane?", "Will I be a good role model?" and the list goes on.

However, as I sit on this blue, little tyke chair, leaning up against the counter at my nanny family's house, I am beginning to have second thoughts. You see for the past two hours I have dealt with a screaming, colicy baby. I have been puked on three times, changed jammies on all the kids twice, paced the floors singing, praying for this sweet child to go to sleep. I have rocked, bounced, swaddled, changed diapers - folks I have tried everything. Finally, I put the screaming child in her crib and let her scream while I put the other two to bed. Oh wait - they had to go potty, and they forgot to brush their teeth, and they forgot their favorite bunny in the basement, and their binky was lost in the living room. Needless to say I was going insane. Once the older two were in bed, I went back into my screaming little girl, and for the last time, changed everything from the skin out, swaddled her in a light weight blanket, and begun the process of bouncing all over the house to get her to sleep.

FINALLY!!! SLEEP, SLEEP WONDERFUL SLEEP FELL UPON ALL THOSE THAT WERE TIRED. It was as if I had turned a light switch. All of a sudden a quiet hush came upon the house - and boy was I thankful. I was so stressed from all the hub-a-bub that I went and stole all the Jr. Mints out of my sweet little babies Halloween pumpkin and raided the fridge for a Diet Coke. Yes, I know that I am a horrible person for doing that, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!!!!

So back to my thoughts of settling down and having my own family???? I do not know if I am ready for it. I know my mom says it will all change when it becomes my own little one. However, after tonight I'm not too sure. So for those of you who are trying to matchmake me with someone - start praying real hard, because I'm not warming up to the idea as quickly as you would like me to. :O)

1 comment:

Paula said...

Well, sounds like you're ready for mommy-hood...exasperation, stealing candy from the kids after they're asleep...pacing the floors...enjoying the peace after their ASLEEP!!!! :O) All that being said...I'm not sure one is every truly ready for it. I sure thought I was -- until I had two of my own. Yowzers! I agree with your Mom, it IS different when they are your own. But different doesn't mean easier. LOL Oops, am I supposed to be encouraging you here? Ah well...when the right GUY comes along, you'll change your mind. :)