Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Be Still

I literally have had this blog up for a couple of hours contemplating on how to convey what is on my mind.

My last post I referenced the verse in Psalms that instructs us to "Be still and know that I am God." I truly have been doing that the past couple of days. It seems like as the holidays draw nearer, more and more seems to pile up. I get so frusterated with myself for the simple fact that I run hither and yon and really don't take the time to Be Still. I get so busy, that I double book myself with appointments, I put to much responsibility on my own shoulders instead of spreading the wealth.

However last night I was stopped dead in my tracks with the news of a few simple text messages. My dear friend proceeded to tell me she has cancer! Even now typing this I have a hard time comprehending this. As she began to tell me all that was going on, I suddenly realized that I was supposed to go for coffee with her about 2 weeks ago. I asked her if this is what she wanted to talk to me about that night I cancelled. She said yes and immediately I was so convicted. How could I be so selfish and not put her first. Isn't that what I learned in Sunday School - JOY = Jesus, Others & Yourself last? As I sat there for 2 hours texting her back and forth, I knew that I had learned my lesson to take the time to "Be Still".

Please be in prayer for my friend. She is 24 and has been diagnosed with malignant lymphoma. The doctors feel like that they caught it quite early, however it does not take away from the fact she has cancer. Also, she has not been in church for over a year, and pretty much believes that God is punishing her for this. She made the statement last night "I am ready to die, that way I would know where I was going. I don't know if I believe in Heaven or Hell." Pray that God will give me wisdom to help her through this and that she will be restored to Him - body, soul & spirit.

So today I was at the bank and Lorraine was helping me. I felt that I should invite her to our Christmas service on Sunday. Right then and there, I took the time to Be Still and plant a seed.

No longer will I avoid those moments of stillness. I recognise that in that stillness is usually when God reveals some incredible things in you life. I encourage you today in the busy-ness of Christmas to take the time to Be Still and hear the voice of the one from the manger.


Cylinda Nickel said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I will be praying for her! Praying for you all today- I know it will be a big day- and I woke up thinking of you all and the Trimble family! Love you - you are doing a great job- and you have a lot on your plate.

Paula said...


Sooo sorry to hear about your friend. I'll be praying for her...and for you! God can use you to reach out to her and help restore her faith.

Thanks for the reminder to "be still"!