Friday, June 20, 2008

Seedlings . . . .

My mind goes back to that day in preschool and it was science day. This particular day the teacher handed out clear drinking cups full of potting soil, a bean, and small droppers full of water. Instead of listening to the instructions of planting our seeds on the edge of the cup so that we could watch the full germination process, I poked my finger in the middle of the cup, planted my seed and announced that I was done. After a scolding for not following the instructions, I went on my merry little way. However all too soon I was disappointed. In the weeks following, we begin to examin the cups on the window ledge. Everyone in the class but me was watching the full process that was taking place with their seed, while I had to imagine what was taking place with mine. Finally, after a few weeks of patiently waiting, my little plant proved to be faithful to its "don't-follow-the-instructions-gardener" and out came the tiniest of all plants. You can only imagine how elated I was.

Life has a way of making you grow. It is inevitable and cannot be helped. Many times when I think of something growing, I think of a seed being planted in some dirt, add a little water, then a few weeks later there is a plant. Just like my preschool days, all I see is the outward appearance of this little plant. Never one time do I give thought to the dying process underneath the soil, the process of the hard shell falling off of the seed so that roots can be established, the effort of the plant trying to push through the soil, the constant battle of make sure the plant will not be blown away by the wind, or washed away by the excess amounts of water, and so on.

As I was thinking about this, and reflecting on my life, I recognized all to quickly that this is what my life has been like. Always before I have gauged my life by the outward appearance of what was there and how it could be fixed. I never really gave thought to what was going on on the inside. The dying process - my integrity being questioned, the hard shell falling off - letting go of past issues of bitterness and establishing myself in the Word, the emerging of a new plant - plunging myself in this new dimension of knowing God in the fellowship of His suffering and in the power of His resurrection, the constat battles of being blown or washed away - finding the time along with Him in prayer and reading the Word.

I encourage you today, if you find yourself in a growing stage, praise God through this time. As painful and obnoxious as it may seem, praise Him regardless. The dying process is not glamorous, however the results are a life that is laden with fruit that is pleasing to all that are around (Matthew 7:16-20). Continue to praise God through this time in your life, and in the end you will look back and see that He was protecting you the entire time.


Cylinda Nickel said...

another awesome blog- YAHOOO- love the new layout- you rock

Vonnie said...

Thanks ~ I never know if people really go on here.
Love you.