Friday, December 26, 2008


Life sure has been crazy around my house for the past few days.

It goes something like this:

-taking care of Pastor Trimble's family while he had open heart surgery.
this means going to the hospital everday for a week, & making sure everyone had eaten that day.
-during that time, I was laid off from my nanny family. I am sure going to miss those kids.
-decorated the church for the Christmas program.
-directed the choir Christmas program.
-Choir Christmas party.
-Jr & Sr Bible Quizzing started.
-my friend Amy had jaw surgery. I stayed with her overnight for 3 nights.
-Christmas shopping.
-wrapping all my presents.
-car shopping.

Yeah I know this list isn't that long, but by the time you drive and run all over time there isn't much time at the end of the day to blog.
I have not neglected you faithful readers - life just has been so busy. I have found myself asking what is more important sleeping or eating. And at times sleeping has won the battle.
Thanks for your support!

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