Sunday, May 31, 2009

Performance or Presence

I read something today that intrigued me. It said "Choir sang great - service was awesome!"

How many times do we come to church and just put on a show, and never really entertaion the presence of God. We base a "knock-out" service on how many ladies sent bobby pins flying & how many men loosened their ties.

I wonder how many of our churches would be full and overflowing if we could change our focus from perfecting our performance to perfecting our hosting skills. If we could really focus on getting in touch with Jesus and making sure His presence is entertained.

Recently I heard a sermon preached about being a worshipper or a praiser. They were defined as follows: praiser - someone who praises God for what He has done in your life, worshipper - someone who worships because of who God is, regardless of what He does for you.

Yes, I shout and dance with the best of them & I love it when the choir sings under the anointing, but more than anything, I cherish those sweet moments when Jesus comes into our services and drapes you in what feels like a big warm blanket, and you know your are safe.

Entertain His presence, and then your performance will be perfected!

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